Friday, October 14, 2011

Coastal View - The sunny side of Broome

Arriving into civil Derby after 600km of ruggered dusty and notoriously known corrugated Gibb River Road we finally realised that we loved and cherished the tarred road. We so dearly missed the luxury of smooth driving and not worrying that the dashboard would permantely remove itself from the car. When we started the Gibb my mentality was just to complete the road but it slowly changed to a clique saying “it was the journey not the destination” that made it one of the most exciting adventures I’ve had. Dave is just happy about his made driving skillz. I’d describe Derby as just a simple town mostly accommodating the desperate tourists coming off the Gibb in need of a decent shower, fish and chips, and basic mechanical repairs. Thankfully we needed all of these necessities. Derby was a one night place especially knowing that the famous coastal town of Broome was only a few hours away. I’d been looking forward to seeing Broome ever since we left for this trip. Hearing about the crystal clear waters, the sandy white beaches, and the aura of Broome just drew us towards this North West part of the state along with thousands of other tourists. We now had become the typical travelling nomad. I had no problem with that classification when Broome shows off in good fashion everything you’d expected in a bustling tourist town. 

The beautiful Cable Beach

I’d compare Broome to Cairns; I know full well that I haven’t actually been to Cairns but what is expected out of Cairns you can expect out of Broome. Think of palm trees throughout the town, boutique stores offering everything beach and surf like, jewellery stores showing off all their local produced pearls, and that feeling of just being laid back walking around in swimmers and thongs.

We hanged around Broome for a week or so checking out the local fishing spots, laying on the beach, swimming every hour, and enjoyed our last few days with Tim and Nat before we moved on on our own ways. 

Dave and I truly enjoyed our time with Tim and Nat certainly appreciating their help and generally knowing that if anything bad happened we were there with someone. Nat and I agreed that when we had our downs likes the time they got bogged near Gibb River and when we did our brake line having the other couple their made the whole experience a laughing matter.

 The last night in Brome we all celebrated with a few drinks at the pub. Though, I wouldn’t really call the ‘nightlife’ a ‘full nightlife’. We had a band rocking away through the night till about 11pm which then they packed up and left expecting DJ music to take over; nothing eventuated. Around 11.30pm some of the main interior light came on which we purposely ignored hoping it wasn’t what we thinking. But then we hear a few moments later “last drinks”. Looking at each other dazed we knew we’d just heard the end of our night. And yep, 12am came and so did the garage doors closing off the bar. Bitter disappointed after being on a massive high and that all ending just after bed time. We did however get something very worth our while on the way back to the caravan park. A notice board highlighted our attention when it boasted plenty of work available within Broome. Searching through the crap with our beer goggles on we found an amazing job not far from Broome that was just up our ally. You’ll have to read the next blog to find out....haha

Camels walking down to Cable Beach. However, look what I've also captured in the photo. (hint: the bike)
good stack.

Weren't quite game enough

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